What are the Different Types of Industrial Power Solutions?


02 December 2019



One fact of industrial production is that without power, nothing gets done. Machinery doesn’t move, computers don’t work and orders aren’t processed and workers are idle. So it is obvious that a reliable, constant source of power is available to industry at all times. When it comes to deciding how that gets done, each company needs to start by asking what are their specific power requirements and how permanent it needs to be and what are the solutions available to meet those needs, usually by employing a specialized power company, such as APR Energy Power Solutions.

While many permanent industrial facilities in America can count on public power grid infrastructure available in populated areas, more remote areas need to look at self-generating solutions to provide them with the energy they need to operate. So, assuming public power isn’t available, the first question that needs to be asked is how permanent is the operation going to be.

An industrial facility electric requirement can be categorized as:

1. Temporary (or interim) and emergency power

Shorter-term projects can be done remotely and require a mobile solution to be in place to get the job done. Except for the emergency power situation (which would occur immediately to handle the power needs for the duration of the incident), interim power usually takes from 30 to 90 days to design and setup. This solution can be in place and used for a couple of months to many years into the future.

This could include providing emergency power, temporary bridging power when a power plant is being repaired or a new one is being constructed, distributed electrical generation, etc. It can also operate at many different levels of generating support. Whether it only provides power during peak demand, as just standby power source, or being solely for the base-load prime supplier of power for the facility, suppliers of these systems can give that added flexibility to the total needs of their customers.

Depending on the size of the operation, the equipment supplier can employ:

  • Diesel, natural gas, or turbine generators and fuel tanks if required.
  • UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) Systems. With UPS Batteries and Battery Cabinets
  • Power Distribution Units
  • Cooling units
  • Automatic Transfer Switches
  • Load Banks

2. Long-term power

gas industry

Generally, when permanent power plant facilities are being built, a longer-term temporary generating solution needs to be employed. This usually takes many years for a plant to be built, so the long term temporary design has to do the job that the permanent plant will do.

This longer-term solution requires more specific planning to meet the demands of a larger operating facility. However, more permanence means that lower-cost sources of fuel can be added into the program such as natural gas, liquid natural gas, Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), ethanol, kerosene, and naphtha. this is usually accomplished by using a turbine generator. These not only offer fuel flexibility but can run more efficiently and with a smaller carbon footprint.

Usually, these facilities are supplied by the power company vendor and the equipment ownership is retained by that company. This means that the generating system can remain for many years, but will remain a straight business expense and not a capital investment to the company, simplifying the accounting process considerably.

3. Permanent Industrial power

Industrial power

Permanent generating installations are required by many industries when they aren’t planned to remove the equipment. Industries such as utilities, heavy industry, EPC companies, mining, oil and gas operations, and military organizations require ongoing power generation.

As with the long-term solution, this more permanent industrial placement can take advantage of the latest and most efficient power equipment and control room technologies. The use of direct fuel pipelines to power the generators can be built for permanent reliability as well. But still, have the flexibility of using alternative fuels if necessary.

So industrial organizations have many questions to answer before deciding how they will be supplied with ongoing power to run their business. Working with the power companies that are experts in this area is the best place to start. Careful planning and research at this point are critical for its future operational success.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Business Energy

5 Features to Look for in a Business Energy Provider

Switching business energy suppliers is an opportunity that every company should not miss out on. Compared with a residential household, companies use more energy daily. An average UK small business spends around £13,000 on electricity annually, and another £7,000 on gas. With so much on the line, it is crucial to find the best and most affordable energy tariffs. Apart from the cost, you also need to consider the reliability of the service considering that any interruption will cause significant damage to business operations. That’s why it is also essential that while you are comparing quotes from different suppliers using a comparison tool like Utility Bidder, you also need to take into account the following factors. Supplier history and reputation: Corporate responsibility and values adhered to by an energy provider are some things to look into if you want to partner with a reputable supplier. Some may think that the natural choice is going with large companies that have been around for many years. Although it is true that the top energy suppliers may provide some of the best services out there, there is no reason not to look elsewhere and choose a supplier that is relatively new on the scene. These small providers usually have more personalized services, and many people are missing out on these benefits because they think that bigger is always better. Service areas: In this regard, big energy suppliers are a better choice. Depending on where you are located, you will want an energy provider that supports your location and guarantee that there will be fewer or no service interruptions. Apart from reliability, you may also want to look into tax incentives or local prices which may vary from one supplier to another depending on where you are. Prices and plans offered: The energy market is affected by many factors which makes it highly volatile. Apart from choosing a fixed-rate plan over variable plans, you also need to ensure that the supplier you want has the best offers and rates. Take note of cancellation fees or other fees associated with transferring from one supplier to another before you decide. Hidden transaction fees can add up and increase the cost of a plan which makes switching less than beneficial if that is the case. A wide range of services: In finding the best energy provider, you also need to consider if the supplier offers a variety of services. Paying multiple suppliers could be a waste of money, and if you can get all services under one roof, you will have a better chance of getting the best rates. Customer service: Suppliers with reliable service also tend to have excellent customer support. As a business owner, you need to ensure that any issues you have with your energy supply are dealt with quickly. As much as possible, choose a provider with round the clock customer service. This way, you are confident that you can get help at any time of the day. Customer support is not merely about responsiveness, but the capability to provide the best possible solution considering the unique circumstances of your company. Read Also: 7 Tools Your Business Can Utilize To Simplify The Customer Onboarding New Technology In Business: 4 Inventions In 2019 That Are Changing The Game A List Of The Essential Factors You Need To Consider When Installing Solar Panels In Your Home What You Should Know About Solar Energy For Schools: Benefits, Expectations, And More

Burn More Calories

Must-Follow Tricks to Burn More Calories

When it comes to a better and healthy life, fitness and sound physical and mental health are key essentials. Many of us get overweighed and it becomes very tiresome for them to lose weight by burning calories. Some people work hard and keep up moving ahead but few just start it and forget they had a work-out and exercise plan to follow. Skipping work using fake doctor’s notes becomes their habit and ultimately they remain as fat they had been. We are presenting some useful tips on how to lose your weight and burn more calories with simple and easy tricks. Have a Bigger Breakfast Recent research shows that people consume 70% calories in breakfast, 50% in lunch and 20% on dinner. The doctors and other physicians suggest that if you are keen about losing weight and keep on improving your fitness, the breakfast you take every day should be bigger than you lunch in energy and size as well. Anyhow, breakfast is recommended to be had daily in order to get better health and now it helps in losing weight as well. Read also: How To Lose Your Weight With Venus Factor Surround Yourself with Blue Though it’s very interesting the researches have proved that people eat 33% less when they are in a blue room or covered with blue themes at the time of dining. Use this fact and you will be surprised that you actually had less while eating. The blue color is an excellent appetite suppressant and people use this trick when it comes to losing weight easily and doing a lot of work-out. Watch Horror Movies Here the tricks we have included belong to all the categories and we have tried our level best to keep it simple. It’s a fact that horror movies help in losing weight as when you watch a horror movie, you get scared and burn more calories. Burning more calories lead to a remarkable reduction in weight. The parents can use this trick easily for their children and teens that have got so much and find it hard to exercise or do work-out in the gym and can’t afford to eat less at a time. This simple and amazing trick will work perfectly for all age-group people. Do Work-out regularly There are multiple ways to lose weight and one of these is doing work-out and proper exercises. It all can be started with the help of a trainer or consultant who proffers guidance on how to get started and what to do first as well. The start should aim at building stamina through short walks, run-ups, and exercises. It should be done regularly and focus on increasing your running time and distance so that you can build wonderful stamina and power to do all the further exercises. Not East Less but East Smartly Keeping the fat people away from eating is not the solution but they must be told to focus on eating properly and the foods that don’t let them get more weight. It often happens that parents direct their children to eat less, basically, this is not a solution but you are just imposing a strict condition on the next person. Eating wisely and being selective when it comes to taking healthy foods is what we all should care about whether we are fat or trying to gain some weight. There are multiple ways to get rid of your weight and turn yourself into a smart guy. Healthy foods, proper exercises, good water in-takes and keeping your spirits up for work-out and exercises are the necessary requisites for heading towards the very aim successfully. Be fussy in your foods, edibles and following these mentioned tricks will help a lot in burning more calories.